Jeff Fabiny
A 15-years experienced developer. Specializing in front-end engineering, Typescript, and React.
Rochester, NY | (585) 808 7124 |
Skills Summary
React, Typescript, Javascript, jQuery, HTML, CSS/Sass, Node, package management, APIs, Bash, UI/UX, accessibility, Google Analytics, Tag Manager, SQL, Git, Django, Python, PHP, Babel, Webpack, AWS, GCP
Professional Accomplishments
Award-Winning Website
When I was brought onto the Nazareth College web team in 2013, one of the first projects we were given was a total revamp of the website. The project needed to serve a vast array of different audiences, and it needed to be maintainable by over 100 content editors. Working closely with our graphic designer, my coworker and I built a custom theme for the Concrete5 CMS. The project was entered into the CITY newspaper (Rochester) for the best new website. We took first place in our category (education), and second overall.
Service & Charity
I have been a member on the board of Roc City Rotary since 2019. Under our board’s combined efforts, our Rotary club grew it’s membership the fastest out of all regional clubs, and was asked to speak at our regional conference about on the subject of growing membership.
In the pandemic, we launched the Roc City Uncorked online wine auction. We raised raised over $35,000 for our six participating clubs, with a portion going to our partner charity Camp Haccamo.
Commitment to Leadership, Teamwork, and Community Involvement
As a board member of the Rochester Makerspace, I take on a role of setting vision and strategic direction for our club. We have a member base of over 450 paying individuals/families, and a facility with over 7000 square feet. Part of my desire to sit on this board is to be directly involved with my community. Another motivator is that I am constantly seeking leadership roles for myself.